Monday, October 8, 2012

The End Of My Forty Second Year

So begins my forty third year on this earth. Very dramatic way of saying I turn 42 at the end of this month. Most people like to forget they are actually a year older then they claim. I embrace it and as much as I hate aging, I love growing older. In life experience alone I can honestly say I have lived. Can you? In the forty two years I have lived, I have been a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, and a mother. I am still four of those things. I never quite made it as a wife. Maybe I was too young, in fact I know I was too young but I do know I make a great ex wife; ask my ex husband, we are still friends. Well, maybe I did something right.
Maturing as a person is wonderful for obtaining the knowledge of the perfect relationship but actually finding one is torturous. When it comes to relationships I've had many part time relationships and very few full time ones. All by choice, I harbor no regrets in my life. Of course, I have hopes that my perfect man; the one I will grow old with, is very close by. He's out there; he just doesn't know it yet.
Being a good daughter as an adult is alot easier than being a good daughter as a child.  Growing up I definitely wasn't the best kid and for that reason my daughter gets a lot of slack. I forgive easily and ask little of her. All she needs to do is grow up and be honest with me. I never forgot what it was like to be a kid or a teenager. I guess life always comes full circle.
I know all women say being a mother is a blessing and it's the greatest gift. It is but it is also mentally exhausting and beyond frustrating. Especially when your see your child making the same mistakes you did or even worse. As a parent you need to know when to parent, I always come in as a friend first, depending on the level of seriousness; mother and prosecuter come later. It has been working for me so far and I think I am doing a good job. How many mothers can say their teenage daughters like them? I am one of the lucky ones.
I've been a friend and a loyal one to many; sadly I can't say that I've had the same in return. If I call you a friend I hold you in high regard, if I am not treated the same way I do not consider you a true friend. We may still be friendly but we would never be friends. I have come across many people who never seem to grasp the concept of what a friend really is. Friends are not people who need to be in your life. They aren't family and they aren't paid to be there. Well ideally they aren't paid. Friends aren't easily made it takes respect and understanding,  Patience and forgiveness but most all for true friendship loyalty and trust surpass all other qualities. A friend is the only person you can depend on to tell you the ugly truths and they love you anyway. I have few true friends but the ones I do have I can trust with my life, my child, my money and my reputation. I hope you can say the same.
So I begin my forty third year happily and I will do so among my family, my friends, my beautiful child and a new and hopefully my last love.

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